Wednesday, September 16, 2015


The ACS website is back!



  1. Yes, but the information you can get from the website is much more restricted than before they took ACS offline. As a union representative that assists our Local's dues-paying members with their FECA claims, the ACS site used to allow me to track the CA-7s submitted by the Agency and inform my folks when they could expect to be compensated for those claims. They've also taken away the ability to get more detailed information about the bills submitted by providers and/or why certain bills may have been denied. Frustrating!
    I enjoy your blog, by the way. Keep up the great work!

  2. It is true that it's much more restricted now making it more difficult for claimants or those helping claimants to get information quickly. Now claimants or their representatives have to go through the hassle of calling OWCP for that information.
