Sometimes a Claimant gets a diagnostic study such as an MRI, CT Scan, X-Ray, etc...that differs significantly from previous tests or the diagnostic report doesn't revel what the physician expected it to revel or you had a test such as an MRI and that MRI showed abnormalities and the current MRI report shows 'normal'.
A bad diagnostic test report can be just as damaging to your OWCP claim as a bad physician's report and if you've received one, you should challenge the report.
If you've received a questionable radiological report, you can have your own independent second opinion performed on those results.
One of the companies that provides such second opinions is Radiia *Radiia has changed their name to Metis MD . To be clear, I have no affiliation with Radiia and am not connected with them in any way. I'm sure research would show there are other facilities that also provide this service. If anyone knows of good ones, let me know and I'll post them.
Radiia will provide you a comprehensive independent second opinion report on your films. Their physicians are all Board Certified with at least ten years experience. Their reports are detailed and explain where the information they provide comes from. In addition, if they do find something, Radiia will provide not only where the information came from, but pictures of the films with the abnormalities circled. I was impressed enough with the quality of their report, to recommend them here. With the pictures of the films included in the report and the abnormalities circled, it should be easy enough for even OWCP to comprehend.
If you need an independent reading of your films, I can recommend Radiia for this service. However, as I said, I'm sure there are other facilities that provide this service and you can certainly choose one of those. The bottom line is, you don't have to settle for an inaccurate reading of your diagnostic films.
Here's Metis MD's information for anyone who wants it...
Phone: 800-695-8191
FAX: 800-419-6976
Mailing Address: 415 North LaSalle Street
Suite #502
Chicago, IL 60654
Their charges are $200.00 for MRI, CT, Mammogram and $100.00 for X-Ray, Ultra Sound. Radiia also indicates they can have your independent second opinion delivered within 24-48 hours and they did meet that time frame.