Dr. Arthur Auerbach: Orthopedics. IME physician. Works with the Renbaum Medical Group which states Dr. Auerbach practices as an independent contractor 1990-present and orthopaedic evaluation practice (AME's, QME's, IME's) 1990-present. http://www.renbaummedicalgroup.com/physicians_12.html Medical director Diversified Medical Center, Inc http://www.diversifiedmedicalcenter.com/Staff.asp Works for the State of California Workers Compensation system with 45 addresses listed http://www.dir.ca.gov/databases/dwc/qmeCRIT.asp
Dr. Robert W. Dennis: Orthopedics. IME physician. Located out of New Jersey (District 2). His web site states, "Department of Labor examiner Longshoremen, TSA, U.S. Postal Service." Has an IME coordinator on his staff. Has a page on his web site regarding symptom magnification and malingering. Has done IME's for OWCP in NJ and CT. As of 03/26/2011, his licenses in NJ and NY are INACTIVE. http://www.robertdennismd.com/links-of-interest.html Contracts out with the American Board of IME's boasting 3,000 exams and deposed/testified 1,200 times http://www.imenet.com/members/3806-robert-dennis http://www.abime.org/node/19
Dr. Alexander Doman: Orthopedics. Located out of Georgia. Dr. Doman has a habit of saying that there are no residuals and that the claimant is malingering or exaggerating their symptoms. At least two complaints have been filed against Dr. Doman which OWCP seems to be pretending don't exist. If you've been given Dr. Doman as your physician, do a FOIA request asking for copies of any and all complaints and don't be surprised when Dr. Doman's report says you're malingering, trying to deceive him or exaggerating your symptoms. I also suggest you write your own complaint to OWCP should any of these adverse comments be in your report.
See related article: http://theowcpclassroom.blogspot.com/2017/05/wall-of-shame-dr-alexander-doman.html
Dr. Robert Elkins: Orthopedics. IME physician. Located out of North Carolina and Florida. One of OWCP's highest paid physicians. Dr. Elkins has charged and received from OWCP the obscene amount of $4,250.00 for a single report. Dr. Elkins web site http://complexmedical.com/overview.htm boasts he has performed over 10,000 IME's over 25 years. He boasts 8 office locations in North Carolina and Florida. Dr. Elkins is registered as an expert witness with 3,000 exams http://www.expertwitness.com/prof/orthopedics-expert-witness/15580.htm and is in the IME directory boasting 10,000 exams http://www.independentmedicalexaminer.com/IME-Directory/NorthCarolina/ Dr. Elkins also performs IME's for State Workers' Compensation http://www.ic.nc.gov/ncic/pages/court/138561.htm and http://www.ic.nc.gov/ncic/pages/court/537279.htm There are ECAB decision with Dr. Elkins as the IME. A FOIA request for Dr. Elkins is advisable.
Dr. Robert S. Ferretti: Orthopedics. Located out of California. Acts mainly as a second opinion physician for OWCP. Contracts out as a qualified medical examiner for CA State workers' compensation. License #G18512 is on PROBATION due to disciplinary action. Probation with limits on practice lasts from 11/30/2010-08/10/2013 http://www.dir.ca.gov/databases/dwc/qmestartnew.asp Also contracts out as IME http://www.renbaummedicalgroup.com/physicians_14.html
Dr. George P. Glenn, Jr.: Has numerous ECAB decisions as an OWCP IME on the East Coast in at least two States, (NJ, PA). If this is your OWCP physician, I recommend researching all the ECAB decisions Dr. Glenn has been involved in. An argument could be made that IME'S are to be chosen at random. In large cities, such as New Jersey, a physician would not be chosen regularly as Dr. Glenn.
Dr. Kevin F. Hanley: Orthopedics. Located out of Maryland. Dr. Hanley states he's licensed in MD, CA, PA, DE and VA. Mainly second opinion physician for OWCP. Contracts out as an expert witness. During deposition, stated he no longer sees or treats patients http://www.millerandzois.com/Medical-Doctor-Examination.pdf As an 'expert witness' Dr. Hanley boasts 10,000 examinations and can be hired as a litigation support specialist, expert witness and forensic consult http://www.expertwitness.com/prof/15258.htm Has also worked for the State work comp system in PA http://www.aopc.org/OpPosting/CWealth/out.446CD08_8-14-08.pdf Google "Dr. Kevin Hanley expert witness" and see what comes up.
Dr. William B. Head: Psychiatry and Neurology. Located out of New Jersey (District 2). Has done OWCP IME's in NY and NJ. Contracts out as a medical expert. Deposed/Testified 160 times in the last four years. Google, "Dr. William Head expert witness" and see what comes up. There are four 2010 ECAB decisions where Dr. Head is the IME. Over a four month period Dr. Head was 'randomly' chosen to perform an IME for OWCP approximately once per month:
Docket No.: 10-0079 ECAB decision date: 11/24/2010 exam date: 05/15/2008 in NYhttp://www.seakexperts.com/members/482-william-b-head http://www.jurispro.com/search/profile/advanced/dr.+william+b.+head http://www.doctorheadsoffice.com/
Docket No.: 09-1568 ECAB decision date: 04/26/2010 exam date: 06/23/2008 in NJ
Docket No.: 09-1339 ECAB decision date: 08/17/2010 exam date: 07/14/2008 in NJ
Docket No.: 09-1837 ECAB decision date: 06/28/2010 exam date: 08/14/2008 in NY
Dr. Robert Mayo Israel
Dr. Israel has been place on probation for three years. See blog post: http://theowcpclassroom.blogspot.com/2013/08/dr-robert-mayo-israel.html
Dr. Michael J. Katz: Orthopedics. Out of New York. Contracts out as a medical expert. Deposed/Testified 48 times in last four years. http://www.seakexperts.com/members/3509-michael-j-katz http://www.jurispro.com/search/profile/advanced/dr.+michael+katz Boasts he will give expert testimony on complex liability cases involving workplace injuries http://www.expertwitness.com/user/expert-witness/k.html Consistently uses the same wording in his reports, such as: "Now resolved", "No signs or symptoms of permanence...", "Capable of gainful employment", "Capable of activities of his/her daily living" Dr. Katz is an authorized provider for New York State workers compensation http://www.wcb.state.ny.us/content/main/hcpp/MedReg/prt34.pdf http://www.nycourts.gov/library/quenns/PDF_files/9-08/rusanov-leonbruno.pdf http://www.courts.state.ny.us/Reporter/3dseries/2008/2008_03382.htm http://www.nycourts.gov/library/queens/PDF_files/7_09/Singh.pdf There are ECAB decision involving Dr. Katz. A FOIA request on Dr. Katz is advisable.
As of July 2013, Dr. Katz is under investigation for perjury. See blog post: http://theowcpclassroom.blogspot.com/2013/08/dr-michael-j-katz.html
Dr. Stanley Soren: Orthopedics. Out of New York (District 2). Recent ECAB decisions show Dr. Soren was 'randomly' chosen as IME at least four times in 2008:
Docket No.: 10-0713 ECAB decision date: 11/22/2010 exam date: 02/20/2008 in NYAlso does regular second opinion examinations for OWCP. Contracts out as expert witness with 39 cases at Verdict Search.
Docket No.: 10-1234 ECAB decision date: 02/02/2011 exam date: 04/15/2008 in NY
Docket No.: 09-1911 ECAB decision date: 06/28/2010 exam date: 06/10/2008 in NY
Docket No.: 09-1011 ECAB decision date: 04/09/2010 exam date: 07/14/2008 in NY
Dr. Aubrey A. Swartz: Orthopedics. Has worked for OWCP in at least seven West Coast States for at least 15 years. Dr. Swartz has multiple office addresses. There are multiple ECAB decisions regarding this physician. There are at least three complaints filed with OWCP's District 13 regarding this physician. http://aubreyswartz.com/ Dr. Swartz was involved in a multi-million dollar law suit where the court called him biased: http://caselawfindlaw.com/us-9th-circuit/1296597.html
**Check often, more physicians are coming soon