Tuesday, October 10, 2017

ECAB Decision Search

Several months ago the ability to search ECAB decisions suddenly disappeared.

Personally, I figured they did that on purpose so that claimants and those that represent them no longer had access to decisions on which valid arguments could be made. Hard to cite a decision when you don't have access to the decisions.

Plus, it made it impossible to look up doctors to see how often they went against a claimant or to look up representatives to search their win/loss records.

Since this ability to search decisions disappeared into a puff of smoke, I've been checking to see if it would come back. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I did wonder if they were making updates to the site, but with each passing day, that seemed less likely.

So I moved on to find another way to access Board decisions and today I found it!

It's a bit different than the old way, but it does work!

Here is the link: