Wednesday, March 25, 2020

OWCP and Coronavirus Relief Checks

For those of you wondering if you will receive a Coronavirus relief check, these are the current facts:

If you rely on non-taxable government income, i.e., SSI and OWCP compensation, you may still qualify for a relief check.

Relief checks are going to be based on adjusted income on tax returns. If there is no tax return, they will use the 1099 form from Social Security.

Amounts are as follows:

$1,200.00 if single at $75,000.00
$2,400.00 if married filing jointly at $150,000
$500.00 per child 16 years or younger

The amount is reduced $5.00 per $100.00 for incomes above $75,000.00 if single and $150,000 married, filing jointly.

No relief check for those with incomes over $99,000.00 with one child if single or $198,000 married, filing jointly.

Those with direct deposit who qualify will have their checks put directly into their bank accounts. Those without direct deposit will be mailed a check.

They expect checks that are mailed to take much longer, current estimates are four months.

Details are still are coming out, such as when payments will be released (current goal is 04/06), so there may be more information at a later date or last minute changes.


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